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Who We Are

Calvary Fellowship Juneau

Who We Are

Calvary Fellowship Juneau

Our ministries &

Service Teams

Who We Are

Ministries & Service Teams


AV Team has three departments: audio, video, and slides. This team rarely get the kudos they deserve when things go right, but we all notice if something goes wrong. They enable each of us to participate in worship, announcements, and the sermons--even if we can't be in the building with everyone else at meeting time.

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Connections Team consists of the Greeters and Connections Table. These faces are the first people see when visiting our church. The heart of this team is to help each person feel seen and welcome, connecting them to the resources needed in order to make their visit a good experience.

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Decor Team sets the ambiance for our services, helps decorate for special events, and keeps the Calvary House festive. The heart of this team is to help people walk in and feel like they're home. Sometimes people can't identify exactly how much these details mean until they're missing. Luckily for us, our team doesn't let that happen. It's a minimal commitment with a big impact.

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Whether you're talking about their coffee cup, their energy, their patience, or their spiritual cup, mothers are often running on empty. Fill Your Cup is an opportunity for women to come in to get all of those cups filled. Through fellowship, prayer, and a hot drink, this ministry helps women connect with one another and ensure that at least once a week they're the one being poured into. They Meet Tuesday Mornings from 8-10.

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The life of First Responders is unpredictable and difficult. Their family often pays the price right alongside the individual serving our community. This group is dedicated to reminding these families that you do not fight alone. This group strives to offer the support and encouragement needed to keep families intact and healthy.

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Weekly services, Bible Studies, and the occassional event are great, but a healthy church community is built upon tighter relationships than those avenues can offer. Home Groups allow a group of strangers to become like family, encouraging, rebuking, and holding one another accountable in their daily life and spiritual walk.

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At Calvary Juneau, kids are valued highly. They have individual giftings, triumphs, and struggles. We work hard to incorporate them into the church in big ways, while teaching them in a manner that is appropriate and fun for each age group.

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Our men's ministry is in a bit of a transition stage because of our pastoral transition. There is currently a Wednesday prayer meeting @6:30 AM. We hope to resume Men's breakfasts and our SALT program soon. We recognize the importance of men being in community with one another, and taking an active role in our church, homes, and community.

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We have a group of people that are happy to pray for you regardless of what is on your heart. You can also submit prayers to be sent out to our team mid-week, or join in with our Sunday Morning Prayer Meetings 9-10 AM on Google Meets:

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We are congregation full of coffee & tea enthusiasts, and this team does an amazing job of providing for all our snack & beverage needs. More importantly, this team recognizes that when people spend time together they learn to open up their lives to one another. Prayer for one another often starts with something as simple as enjoying a cup of coffee together.

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For the better part of four decades, Calvary has been a mobile church. This comes with it's own challenges and unique needs. One of the biggest of those is a weekly set-up that is fairly labor intensive. Our setup team does a great job of creating a welcoming meeting place each week, and they often enjoy some good fellowship while they're at it.

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The women of Calvary really love the opportunity to spend some time together. From monthly events, to Bilble Studies, to regular gatherings, this group finds so many opportunities to build community and pour into one another's lives.

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Our worship team was hit hard by COVID. Our leader was incredibly faithful, often taking to the stage alone. We're now in a season of growth and discovery, as her hard work paves the way for an all new season of worship. Through it all, we've remained a body that desires to sing praises to our God and delight in His goodness.

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Our youth group is first & foremost a Bible study. We train our teens how to study the word and apply it to their lives. Our kids are incredibly accepting and have built an amazing community. This group is open to all 6-12th graders throughout the community, regardless of where (or if) their family worships on a weekly basis. Once a month we gather together for a special event where the focus is fun and building friendships.

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