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Women's Ministry

Survey form

We want to hear from you!

Giving your input now will help us create a program that better ministers to all of the women in our body. 

Women's Ministry Survey

I think Women's Ministry should be...
Traditional... A time of worship, hearing the word, prayer, and fellowship
Social... A time of sharing a devotion and fellowship
A combination of the above
I would like to meet...
I would like to meet...
At the Calvary House
In someone's home
It doesn't matter
The ideal day of the week would be...
The Ideal Time would be
I have a need for childcare
I would like the option to bring my child(ren)...
Snacks and Potlucks
Are for special events
Are appreciated but wouldn't influence my decision to attend
Are a motivation to attend
I prefer Bible studies that...
Provides opportunities for women to... (Please select all that apply)

Thank you for your input!

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